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The heart of NSV

Since our beginnings, we have always liked our NSV games best when they are homemade. We offer great new games that we don’t just publish or license. We also produce them ourselves.

But where would we be without our creatives? We are proud of our team of game designers, graphic desginers and editors. They all bring their refreshing ideas and great craftsmanship to the table time and time again.

With a great deal of commitment and passion, our team ensures that good ideas become great games. Our motto is quality instead of quantity. When in doubt, we prefer one less novelty and a small program, but one with high-quality content.

Our current game designers

Steffen Benndorf, u.a. Autor von Qwixx und Ohanami

Steffen Benndorf

Qwixx, The Game, twenty one, Ohanami, Anubixx and more

Reinhard Staupe, u.a. Autor von The Game und zahlreicher Kinderspiele

Reinhard Staupe

KIDDYS product line, The Mind Soulmates, The Border and more

Moritz Dressler

Thread count, Honey Moon (both MINNYS), Spukstaben

Phil Walker-Harding, Autor der Silver & Gold-Reihe

Phil Walker-Harding

Silver & Gold, Silver & Gold Pyramids

Wolfgang Warsch, Urheber von The Mind und Illusion

Wolfgang Warsch

The Mind, Illusion

Heinz Wüppen, Autor des Würfelspiels Knaster

Heinz Wüppen

Knister, Knaster

Markus Schleininger


Andreas Spies, Autor von Würfelland, Take That und Tembo

Andreas Spies

Diceland, Take That

Autor Hartwig Jakubik, der Macher von Sideboards

Hartwig Jakubik


Michael Kiesling

The Border

Karin Hetling


Stefan Nikolic


Uwe Rapp, Co-Autor von Qwinto

Uwe Rapp


Bernhard Lach, Autor von Qwinto

Bernhard Lach


Stefan Kloß


Helmut Ortlepp


Florian Ortlepp


Kaddy Arendt

Go for Gold

Do you have the next NSV game ready?

If you develop games yourself and would like to present them to us, you will find all the necessary information here. We enjoy the intensive and varied collaboration with creative minds and would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their great support!

Before you submit game concepts or prototypes to us, please take note of our information for game designers. This will help you to assess whether the NSV is the right home for your idea.

If so, please use the e-mail address redaktion@nsv.de for a first contact!


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